Revolutionärer 1.Mai - 18 Uhr - Hauptwache

Fighting a joint struggle against war and capitalism!
Fighting for international solidarity and a classless society!

The world is reigned by barbarism. In order to achieve new spheres of influence and markets, the rich and powerful divide the world among themselves and seize everything they can get a hold on. Capital and the eternal competition force them to do so. New profits must be made and growth can never stagnate. In Ukraine imperialist powers, such as the USA, the EU and Russia are driving the world to the brink of nuclear war in order to gain access to yet another market. Hence they mercilessly stop at nothing – not even war. Ukrainian civilians as well as soldiers on both sides are dying. Regardless where the bombs strike – Ukraine, Syria, Kurdistan, Yemen or Palestine – these wars cause nothing but suffering and misery for the masses and nature. Thus millions of people are forced to flee in order to save their own and their loved ones’ lives. If they manage to get to Europe, they are confronted with an inhumane and racist border regime by which non-white refugees are too often left to die in total indifference and contempt.

At the same time, a new mood grips the country. Germany is mobilising and masses are cheering for war. Without resistance, the massive rearmament of the Bundeswehr is decided and the reintroduction of conscription is brought into play. The real enemy, however, is not people and nationalities. Oil cartels, arms companies, banks and corporations – these war profiteers, especially domestically, must be targeted and we must stand in solidarity with all oppressed people of the world!

War on war! No armament and the militarisation of society, neither Putin nor NATO!

The war in Ukraine is only a further amplification of the crisis of capitalism. Fueled by the crisis management of the pandemic, prices are exploding and workers are losing their jobs. While we have less and less money in our pockets due to short-time work and inflation, the bigwigs are filling their to the brink. They have received billions in special payments during the pandemic, while we are forced to risk our health in crowded factories, offices or in buses and trains. The isolation and insecurity also fosters depression and violence against women. When we freeze in winter, when we can’t fill up the car with petrol politicians can’t think of anything better than to encourage us in the process. They tell us that each of us has to do our part and that at least we are on the right side of this war.
100 billion Euro for the Bundeswehr while nurses get claps?

This is wrong and we are not able to afford life in this world anymore! Put up the wages, adjustments to prices and rent developments! Immediate suspensions of gas, electricity and water cuts and evictions!

We can clearly tell that this system cannot be reformed and capitalism must end. No parliament, no court, no law will bring us justice. The production of wealth and all goods of this world happens through the exploitation of our class – there is no other alternative than social revolution!

We call all workers and the youth, black people and migrants, women and LGBTIQ: Join us in the streets on 1st May, let’s fight as a class!

We say: Dare to fight, dare to win – for the end of capitalism!